PriSC 2025
Dates to be announced Denver, Colorado, United States
co-located with POPL 2025
All Editions
Dates to be announced Denver, Colorado, United States

PriSC 2025 with POPL 2025

Workshop on Principles of Secure Compilation Secure compilation is an emerging field that puts together advances in security, programming languages, compilers, verification, systems, and hardware architectures in order to devise more secure compilation chains that eliminate many of today’s security vulnerabilities and that allow sound reasoning about security properties in the source language. For a concrete exa ...

Sat 20 Jan 2024 London, United Kingdom

PriSC 2024 with POPL 2024

Workshop on Principles of Secure Compilation Secure compilation is an emerging field that puts together advances in security, programming languages, compilers, verification, systems, and hardware architectures in order to devise more secure compilation chains that eliminate many of today’s security vulnerabilities and that allow sound reasoning about security properties in the source language. For a concrete exa ...

Sun 15 - Sat 21 January 2023 Boston, Massachusetts, United States

PriSC 2023 with POPL 2023

Workshop on Principles of Secure Compilation Secure compilation is an emerging field that puts together advances in security, programming languages, compilers, verification, systems, and hardware architectures in order to devise more secure compilation chains that eliminate many of today’s security vulnerabilities and that allow sound reasoning about security properties in the source language. For a concrete exa ...

Sun 16 Jan 2022 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

PriSC 2022 with POPL 2022

Important Update: The workshop will be held as a hybrid event with full support for remote participation, following the latest update from the main POPL conference. To attend in person, choose “in-person POPL” option from the main registration page, which later will prompt you to select the specific meetings you want to attend. To participate remotely, choose “Virtual POPL” option which is common to all POPL- ...

Sun 17 Jan 2021 Online

PriSC 2021 with POPL 2021

Today’s computer systems are insecure. The semantics of mainstream low-level languages like C provide no security against devastating vulnerabilities like buffer overflows and control-flow hijacking. Even for safer languages, establishing security with respect to the language’s semantics does not prevent low-level attacks. All the abstraction and security guarantees of the source language may be lost when interac ...

Sun 19 - Sat 25 January 2020 New Orleans, Louisiana, United States

PriSC 2020 with POPL 2020

Today’s computer systems are insecure. The semantics of mainstream low-level languages like C provide no security against devastating vulnerabilities like buffer overflows and control-flow hijacking. Even for safer languages, establishing security with respect to the language’s semantics does not prevent low-level attacks. All the abstraction and security guarantees of the source language may be lost when interac ...

Sun 13 - Sat 19 January 2019 Cascais, Portugal

PriSC 2019 with POPL 2019

Workshop description Today’s computer systems are insecure. The semantics of mainstream low-level languages like C provide no security against devastating vulnerabilities like buffer overflows and control-flow hijacking. Even for safer languages, establishing security with respect to the language’s semantics does not prevent low-level attacks. All the abstraction and security guarantees of the source language ar ...

Mon 8 - Sat 13 January 2018 Los Angeles, California, United States

PriSC 2018 with POPL 2018

News: All the speakers have made their slides available Do not miss the chance to submit short talks on your cutting-edge research until 14 December 2017, 23:59 AoE . Workshop program is now available POPL/PriSC registration is open; early rate ends on 10 December 2017 List of presentations accepted at PriSC is now public Invited talk by Mathias Payer on Challenges For Compiler-backed Secur ...