POPL 2025
Sun 19 - Sat 25 January 2025 Denver, Colorado, United States

POPL is the longest-running conference in programming languages and one of the most prestigious. Our community educates the top students in the field, many of whom go on to work in industry. Financial support from corporate sponsors and philanthropic organizations ensures that POPL remains accessible to a broad set of participants by subsidizing student attendance, promoting community mentoring, and underwriting social events.

POPL also hosts a wide variety of affiliated events including several workshops and a range of tutorials. In particular, POPL is co-located with the Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (PLMW), which brings top undergraduate and early-stage graduate students to the conference for a one-day workshop focused on technical and career mentoring.

This year, we are highlighting multiple kinds of support for the conference. Please let us know how you would like us to apply your support as funds can be allocated to the POPL main conference, the PLMW workshop, or both. We have identified specific benefits below.

  • POPL Main Support: POPL main support funds are used to decrease registration costs, support student volunteers and underwrite various social events.
  • Non-Profits and Early Stage Companies: To encourage closer interaction between the POPL community and industry, we offer a discount on sponsorship for the POPL Main Conference for early-stage companies. The benefits are the same as for Silver sponsors, but early-stage sponsors are explicitly labeled as such.
  • PLMW Mentoring Support: PLMW mentoring support funds provide assistance for students, especially women and underrepresented minorities, to attend both POPL and PLMW. All funds designated for PLMW mentoring sponsorship will be transferred directly to the PLMW @ POPL organization.
  • Carbon Offset Support: Organizing a conference imposes significant environmental costs. POPL, which has brought researchers together from all over the world for several decades, has had a significant impact on the environment. We are looking for a sponsor to offset the current and historical carbon costs of the conference.

Support levels for the main conference, PLMW and carbon offsets, are listed below.

POPL Main Support Levels

Non-Profit and Early Stage Companies ($1000)

  • Organization must be a non-profit or early-stage startup.
  • Benefits are the same as Silver (see below)

Bronze ($3000)

  • Logo will be displayed on the POPL 2024 website.

Silver ($6000)

  • As above plus…
  • Opportunity to display printed materials at the registration desk.

Women@POPL dinner ($6000), only one available

  • As in Bronze plus…
  • Opportunity to display printed materials at the registration desk.

Accessibility Sponsor ($6000), only one available

This funding will be used for covering the costs of a professional captioner for the videos that will be produced from POPL talks.

  • As in Bronze plus…
  • Opportunity to display printed materials at the registration desk.

Gold ($10,000)

  • As in Silver plus…
  • Two complementary registrations to POPL 2025.
  • An opportunity to include branded merchandise in participants’ swag-bag, such as a t-shirt, for example, if desired.
  • A table in the conference common area during POPL proper where, if you wish, you can display publicity material, distribute handouts, talk to potential recruits, or demo software.

POPL Reception Sponsor ($10,000)

  • As in Silver plus…
  • Two complementary registrations to POPL 2025.
  • An opportunity to give a short (5 min) pitch talk at the conference reception.
  • A table in the conference common area during POPL proper where, if you wish, you can display publicity material, distribute handouts, talk to potential recruits, or demo software.

Platinum ($15,000)

  • As above plus…
  • One additional complementary registration to POPL 2025.
  • The supporter may supply participant lanyards, badge ribbons, or a banner on stage carrying the supporter logo.
  • There are three social hours associated with POPL, one at the end of each day. On a first-come, first-served basis, each of the social hours may be associated with the name of a platinum supporter. A representative from the company will be granted five minutes at the beginning of the branded social hour to make a few comments to the attendees.

Carbon Offset Sponsor ($25,000)

  • As above plus…
  • There will be at most one Carbon Offset sponsor.
  • A special thanks in the PACM journal issue for helping minimize the climate impact of POPL 2025.
  • Funds in excess of the platinum level will be used to purchase carbon offsets. If you are interested in supporting carbon offsets at POPL, please discuss logistics with the POPL industrial relations chair.

PLMW Mentoring Support Levels

PLMW Mentoring Silver ($1500)

  • Logo displayed on the PLMW @ POPL 2025 web site.

PLMW Mentoring Gold ($3000)

  • As above plus…
  • A table in the conference common area during PLMW where, if you wish, you can display publicity material, distribute handouts, talk to potential recruits, or demo software.

PLMW Mentoring Platinum ($6000)

  • As above plus…
  • There are three mentoring breakfasts associated with POPL, one at the beginning of each day. PLMW platinum supporters will be given a designated table at one of the breakfast days clearly identifying the company to provide networking opportunities with students attending POPL.


Questions about how to contribute may be directed to Michael Greenberg (michael@greenberg.science) and Ilya Sergey (ilya@nus.edu.sg), the POPL Industrial Relations Chairs. We will be happy to chat about any questions you have over the phone (or Zoom/Skype/Hangouts/FaceTime/Teams/Chime/etc.).

Thank you for your time and especially for your generosity!