The Fifth International Workshop on Programming Languages for Quantum Computing (PLanQC 2025) aims to bring together researchers from the fields of programming languages and quantum information, exposing the programming languages community to the unique challenges of programming quantum computers. It will promote the development of tools to assist in the process of programming quantum computers, both those that exist today and those likely to exist in the near to far future.
Workshop topics include (but are not limited to):
- High-level quantum programming languages
- Verification tools for quantum programs
- Novel quantum programming abstractions
- Quantum circuit and program optimization
- Hardware-aware circuit compilation and routing
- Error handling, mitigation, and correction
- Instruction sets for quantum hardware
- Other techniques from traditional programming languages (e.g., types, compilation/optimization, foreign function interfaces) applied to the domain of quantum computation.
Travel support
Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, travel support is available for students who may not otherwise be able to attend. To apply, please fill out the following web form:
Keynote Speaker
Sat 25 JanDisplayed time zone: Mountain Time (US & Canada) change
09:00 - 10:30 | |||
09:00 45mKeynote | Unlocking quantum potential with software and compilersKeynote PLanQC Kaitlin Smith Northwestern University | ||
09:46 22mTalk | HUGR: A Quantum-Classical Intermediate RepresentationTalk PLanQC Seyon Sivarajah Quantinuum, Mark Koch Quantinuum, Agustin Borgna Quantinuum, Alan Lawrence Quantinuum, Alec Edgington Quantinuum, Douglas Wilson Quantinuum, Craig Roy Quantinuum, Luca Mondada University of Oxford, Lukas Heidemann Quantinuum, Ross Duncan Quantinuum File Attached | ||
10:08 22mTalk | QuteFuzz: Fuzzing quantum compilers using randomly generated circuits with control flow and subcircuitsTalk PLanQC Ilan Iwumbwe Imperial College London, Benny Zong Liu Imperial College London, John Wickerson Imperial College London Media Attached File Attached |
11:00 - 12:30 | |||
11:00 22mTalk | The Quantum Abstract MachineTalk PLanQC Le Chang University of Maryland, College Park, Liyi Li Iowa State University, Rance Cleaveland University of Maryland, Mingwei Zhu University of Maryland, College Park, Xiaodi Wu University of Maryland File Attached | ||
11:22 22mTalk | Algebraic and denotational semantics for Classically Controlled Quantum CommunicationTalk PLanQC File Attached | ||
11:45 22mTalk | Towards Quantum Multiparty Session TypesTalk PLanQC Ivan Lanese University of Bologna/INRIA, Ugo Dal Lago University of Bologna & INRIA Sophia Antipolis, Vikraman Choudhury Università di Bologna & Inria OLAS File Attached | ||
12:07 22mTalk | Concurrent Quantum Separation Logic for Fine-Grained ParallelismTalk PLanQC Yusuke Matsushita Kyoto University, Kengo Hirata University of Edinburgh, Ryo Wakizaka Kyoto University File Attached |
12:30 - 14:00 | |||
12:30 90mLunch | Lunch Catering |
14:00 - 15:30 | |||
14:00 22mTalk | Verifying the Equivalence of Parameterized Quantum CircuitsTalk PLanQC File Attached | ||
14:22 22mTalk | An Automata-based Framework for Quantum Circuit VerificationTalk PLanQC Parosh Aziz Abdulla Uppsala University, Sweden, Yo-Ga Chen Academia Sinica, Yu-Fang Chen Academia Sinica, Kai-Min Chung Academia Sinica, Lukáš Holík Brno University of Technology, Ondřej Lengál Brno University of Technology, Jyun-Ao Lin National Taipei University of Technology, Fang-Yi Lo Academia Sinica, Wei-Lun Tsai Academia Sinica, Di-De Yen Academia Sinica File Attached | ||
14:45 45mPoster | Poster Session PLanQC |
16:00 - 17:30 | |||
16:00 22mTalk | Quantum Register Machine: Efficient Implementation of Quantum Recursive Programs (Extended Abstract)TalkRemote PLanQC Zhicheng Zhang University of Technology Sydney, Mingsheng Ying Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences; Tsinghua University File Attached | ||
16:22 22mTalk | Programming with Projective CliffordsTalk PLanQC File Attached | ||
16:45 22mTalk | Proto-Quipper with Reversing and ControlTalk PLanQC Peng Fu University of South Carolina, Kohei Kishida University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Neil Julien Ross Dalhousie University, Peter Selinger Dalhousie University File Attached | ||
17:07 22mTalk | Imperative Quantum Programming with Ownership and Borrowing in GuppyTalk PLanQC Mark Koch Quantinuum, Agustin Borgna Quantinuum, Craig Roy Quantinuum, Alan Lawrence Quantinuum, Kartik Singhal Quantinuum, Seyon Sivarajah Quantinuum, Ross Duncan Quantinuum Media Attached File Attached |
Unscheduled Sessions
Accepted Talks and Posters
Call for Submissions
We invite members of the programming languages and quantum computing communities to submit talk proposals for the 5th International Workshop on Programming Languages for Quantum Computing (PLanQC 2025), co-located in January 2025 with POPL in Denver, Colorado, USA.
PLanQC aims to bring together researchers from the fields of programming languages and quantum information, exposing the programming languages community to the unique challenges of programming quantum computers. It will promote the development of tools to assist in the process of programming quantum computers, as they exist today and as they are likely to exist in the near to distant future.
Submissions to PLanQC should take the form of 2-5 page abstracts (single-column, 11pt acmsmall style, not including references), with links to larger preprints when appropriate. Work in progress is welcome. We hope to make PLanQC maximally accessible to the programming languages community. Thus, abstracts should cover cutting-edge ideas and results, but not be opaque to new, potential entrants to quantum computing coming from programming languages. Abstracts will be reviewed for quality and relevance to the workshop, and accepted authors will be invited to give talks or poster presentations. We will not be publishing formal proceedings, but the extended abstracts, along with links (where available) to full papers will be posted to the website of the workshop.
Workshop topics
- High-level quantum programming languages
- Verification tools for quantum programs
- Novel quantum programming abstractions
- Quantum circuit and program optimization
- Hardware-aware circuit compilation and routing
- Error handling, mitigation, and correction
- Instruction sets for quantum hardware
- Other techniques from traditional programming languages (e.g., types, compilation/optimization, foreign function interfaces) applied to the domain of quantum computation.
Important dates
Note the new submission deadline!
- Submission deadline: November 1, 2024 (end of day, AoE)
- Notification deadline: November 29, 2024 (end of day, AoE)
- Workshop: January 25, 2025