POPL 2025
Sun 19 - Sat 25 January 2025 Denver, Colorado, United States
Tue 21 Jan 2025 17:00 - 17:30 at Marco Polo - Session 8 Chair(s): Lars Birkedal

As the standardization process for post-quantum cryptography progresses, the need for computer-verified security proofs against classical and quantum attackers increases. Even though some tools are already tackling this issue, none are foundational. We take a first step in this direction and present a complete formalization of the One-way to Hiding (O2H) Theorem, a central theorem for security proofs against quantum attackers. With this new formalization, we build more secure foundations for proof-checking tools in the quantum setting. Using the theorem prover Isabelle, we verify the semi-classical O2H Theorem by Ambainis, Hamburg and Unruh in different variations. We also give a novel (and for the formalization simpler) proof to the O2H Theorem for mixed states and extend the theorem to non-terminating adversaries. This work provides a theoretical and foundational background for several verification tools and for security proofs in the quantum setting.

Tue 21 Jan

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16:00 - 17:30
Session 8CPP at Marco Polo
Chair(s): Lars Birkedal Aarhus University
Formalization of Differential Privacy in Isabelle/HOL
Tetsuya Sato Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yasuhiko Minamide Tokyo Institute of Technology
A CHERI C Memory Model for Verified Temporal Safety
Vadim Zaliva University of Cambridge, UK, Kayvan Memarian University of Cambridge, Brian Campbell University of Edinburgh, Ricardo Almeida University of Edinburgh, Nathaniel Filardo University of Cambridge, Ian Stark The University of Edinburgh, Peter Sewell University of Cambridge
Formalizing the One-way to Hiding Theorem
Katharina Heidler Technical University Munich, Dominique Unruh RWTH Aachen