POPL 2025
Sun 19 - Sat 25 January 2025 Denver, Colorado, United States
Tue 21 Jan 2025 16:30 - 17:00 at Marco Polo - Session 8 Chair(s): Lars Birkedal

Memory safety concerns continue to be a major source of security vulnerabilities. The CHERI architecture, as implemented in the ARM Morello processor and Microsoft’s CHERIoT embedded systems architecture, provides fine-grained memory access control through unforgeable hardware capabilities. The impact of CHERI on spatial memory safety is well understood. This paper systematically examines temporal memory safety within CHERI C – a dialect of the C programming language for CHERI – and proposes a formal approach to defining and ensuring it. In particular: 1) we examine the impact of five existing capability revocation mechanisms on CHERI C semantics and present a specialised object memory model tailored to CHERI C; 2) we introduce a new CHERI-specific pointer provenance tracking scheme; and 3) we formally define the security guarantees provided by this memory model, supported by a Coq proof of their correctness, expressed as invariants of the memory state.

Tue 21 Jan

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16:00 - 17:30
Session 8CPP at Marco Polo
Chair(s): Lars Birkedal Aarhus University
Formalization of Differential Privacy in Isabelle/HOL
Tetsuya Sato Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yasuhiko Minamide Tokyo Institute of Technology
A CHERI C Memory Model for Verified Temporal Safety
Vadim Zaliva University of Cambridge, UK, Kayvan Memarian University of Cambridge, Brian Campbell University of Edinburgh, Ricardo Almeida University of Edinburgh, Nathaniel Filardo University of Cambridge, Ian Stark The University of Edinburgh, Peter Sewell University of Cambridge
Formalizing the One-way to Hiding Theorem
Katharina Heidler Technical University Munich, Dominique Unruh RWTH Aachen