POPL 2025
Sun 19 - Sat 25 January 2025 Denver, Colorado, United States
Mon 20 Jan 2025 16:00 - 16:30 at Duck, Duck Goose - Session 4 Chair(s): Vitor Santos Costa

Runtime verification (RV) is a formal monitoring technique that uses formal specifications to create monitors. Stream runtime verification (SRV) extends RV from Booleans observations and verdicts to diverse data, allowing much richer monitors. This expressivity is challenging for developers of monitoring engines, so SRV tools end up fixing a collection of data theories for an application domain, and require significant overhead to incorporate new datatypes. Recent results allow incorporating Haskell datatypes transparently into generic SRV engines through the use of an embedded DSLs, but the resulting syntax is conditioned by Haskell, every new monitor requires recompilation and error reporting is cryptic.

In this paper, we introduce Mola, a generic implementation of an SRV engine that uses reflection in Haskell to implement a universal interpreter that offers data-theory extensibility and type guarantees as well as a simple syntax with useful error reports.

Mola introduces the role of data-theory engineer, who easily defines datatypes for each application domain and compiles Mola into a specialized engine. The resulting tool is then used by specification engineers who define monitors that the engine can evaluate without recompilation. Hence, Mola finally realizes the promise of SRV to provide a clean separation between datatypes and temporal engines.

Mon 20 Jan

Displayed time zone: Mountain Time (US & Canada) change

16:00 - 17:30
Session 4PADL at Duck, Duck Goose
Chair(s): Vitor Santos Costa University of Porto, Portugal
MOLA: A Runtime Verification Engine Factory by (Meta-)interpreting Embedded DSLs
Felipe Gorostiaga IMDEA Software Institute, Martin Ceresa IMDEA Software Institute, César Sánchez IMDEA Software Institute
Checking Concurrency Coding Rules
Lars-Åke Fredlund Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Ángel Herranz Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Julio Mariño Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Can Logic Programming Be Liberated from Predicates and Backtracking? (Lightning talk)
Michael Hanus Kiel University
Logic Programming with Extensible Types (Lightning talk)
Ivan Perez NASA Ames Research Center, Ángel Herranz Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, P: Julio Mariño Universidad Politécnica de Madrid