POPL 2025
Sun 19 - Sat 25 January 2025 Denver, Colorado, United States
Wed 22 Jan 2025 11:40 - 12:00 at Peek-A-Boo - Program Analysis Chair(s): Roland Leißa

We propose a method for conducting algebraic program analysis (APA) incrementally in response to changes of the program under analysis. APA is a program analysis paradigm that consists of two distinct steps: computing a path expression that succinctly summarizes the set of program paths of interest, and interpreting the path expression using a properly-defined semantic algebra to obtain program properties of interest. In this context, the goal of an incremental algorithm is to reduce the analysis time by leveraging the intermediate results that have been computed before the program changes. We have made two main contributions. First, we propose a data structure for efficiently representing path expression as a tree together with tree-based interpreting method. Second, we propose techniques for efficiently updating the program properties in response to changes of the path expression. We have implemented our method and evaluated it on thirteen Java applications from the well-known DaCapo benchmark suite. The experimental results show that both our method for incrementally computing path expression and our method for incrementally interpreting path expression are effective in speeding up the analysis. Compared to the baseline APA and two state-of-the-art APA methods, the speedup of our method is more than 160× to 4761× depending on the actual types of program analyses performed.

Wed 22 Jan

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10:40 - 12:00
Program AnalysisPOPL at Peek-A-Boo
Chair(s): Roland Leißa University of Mannheim, School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
Maximal Simplification of Polyhedral Reductions
Louis Narmour Colorado State University, University of Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA, Tomofumi Yuki , Sanjay Rajopadhye Colorado State University
Program Analysis via Multiple Context Free Language Reachability
Giovanna Kobus Conrado Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Adam Husted Kjelstrøm Aarhus University, Jaco van de Pol Aarhus University, Andreas Pavlogiannis Aarhus University
The Best of Abstract Interpretations
Roberto Giacobazzi University of Arizona, Francesco Ranzato University of Padova
An Incremental Algorithm for Algebraic Program Analysis
Chenyu Zhou University of Southern California, Yuzhou Fang University of Southern California, Jingbo Wang Purdue University, Chao Wang University of Southern California