POPL 2025
Sun 19 - Sat 25 January 2025 Denver, Colorado, United States
Thu 23 Jan 2025 14:00 - 14:20 at Marco Polo - Decision Procedures Chair(s): Naoki Kobayashi

E-graphs are a data structure to compactly represent a program space and reason about equality of program terms. E-graphs have been successfully applied to a number of domains, including program optimization and automated theorem proving. In many applications, however, it necessary to reason about disequality of terms, not only about equality. While disequality reasoning can be encoded, direct support for disequalities increases performance and simplifies the metatheory.

In this paper, we develop a framework independent of a specific implementation to formally reason about e-graphs. For the first time, we prove the equivalence of e-graphs to the reflexive, symmetric, transitive, and congruent closure of the equivalence relation they are expected to encode. We use these results to present the first formalization of an extension of e-graphs that directly supports disequalities and prove an analytical result about their superior efficiency compared to embedding techniques that are commonly used in SMT solvers and automated verifiers.

We implement our approach in an extension to egg, a popular e-graph Rust library. We evaluate our solution in an SMT solver and an automated theorem prover using standard benchmarks. The results indicate that direct support for disequalities significantly outperforms other encodings based on disequality embedding confirming the results obtained analitically.

Thu 23 Jan

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13:20 - 14:20
Decision ProceduresPOPL at Marco Polo
Chair(s): Naoki Kobayashi University of Tokyo
The Decision Problem for Regular First Order Theories
Umang Mathur National University of Singapore, David Mestel Maastricht University, Mahesh Viswanathan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
A Primal-Dual Perspective on Program Verification AlgorithmsDistinguished Paper
Takeshi Tsukada Chiba University, Hiroshi Unno Tohoku University, Oded Padon Weizmann Institute of Science, Sharon Shoham Tel Aviv University
Dis/Equality Graphs
George Zakhour University of St. Gallen, Pascal Weisenburger University of St. Gallen, Jahrim Gabriele Cesario University of St. Gallen, Guido Salvaneschi University of St. Gallen
Link to publication DOI Pre-print