POPL 2025
Sun 19 - Sat 25 January 2025 Denver, Colorado, United States
Fri 24 Jan 2025 13:20 - 13:40 at Peek-A-Boo - Program Logics 2 Chair(s): Thibault Dardinier

Embedding Multimode Type Theory (MTT) as a library enables the usage of additional reasoning principles in off-the-shelf proof assistants without risking soundness or compatibility. Moreover, by interpreting embedded MTT terms in an internally constructed model of MTT, we can extract programs and proofs to the metalanguage and obtain interoperability between the embedded language and the metalanguage. The existing Sikkel library for Agda achieves this for Multimode Simple Type Theory (MSTT) with an internal presheaf model of dependent MTT. In this work, we add, on top of the simply-typed layer, a logical framework in which users can write multimode proofs about multimode Sikkel programs, still in an off-the-shelf proof assistant. To this end, we carve out of MTT a new multimode logical framework µLF over MSTT and implement it on top of Sikkel, interpreting both in the existing internal model. In the process, we further extend and improve the original codebase for each of the three layers (syntax, semantics and extraction) of Sikkel. We demonstrate the use of µLF by proving some properties about functions manipulating guarded streams and by implementing an example involving parametricity predicates.

Fri 24 Jan

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13:20 - 14:20
Program Logics 2POPL at Peek-A-Boo
Chair(s): Thibault Dardinier ETH Zurich
BiSikkel: A Multimode Logical Framework in Agda
Joris Ceulemans KU Leuven, Andreas Nuyts KU Leuven, Belgium, Dominique Devriese KU Leuven
Calculational Design of Hyperlogics by Abstract Interpretation
Patrick Cousot , Jeffery Wang CIMS, New York University
A Taxonomy of Hoare-Like Logics
Lena Verscht RWTH Aachen University; Saarland University, Benjamin Lucien Kaminski Saarland University; University College London
Link to publication Pre-print