Registered user since Mon 25 Apr 2022
Charith Mendis is an Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research interests are in automating compiler construction using both formal methods and ML techniques and in building high-performance ML systems. He received his Ph.D. and Master’s from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his B.Sc. from the University of Moratuwa. He recently co-led the DARPA ISAT study on “ML Optimized Compilers for Heterogeneous Architectures (MOCHA).” He is the recipient of a DARPA Young Faculty Award, an NSF CAREER Award, an IEEE Micro Top Picks honorable mention, the William A. Martin outstanding master’s thesis award at MIT, a best student paper award, a best paper award, and the university gold medal for his B.Sc.
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