POPL 2025
Sun 19 - Sat 25 January 2025 Denver, Colorado, United States
Mon 20 Jan 2025 09:00 - 10:00 at Marco Polo - Session 1 Chair(s): Nicolas Tabareau

As mathematics becomes increasingly complicated, the prospect of using a computer proof assistant to (i) certify the correctness of one’s own work and (ii) interact with the formalized mathematical literature becomes increasingly attractive. In this talk, we will describe some challenges that arise when it comes to formalizing infinite-dimensional weak category theory, specifically the theory of ∞-categories developed by Joyal and Lurie. We introduce two parallel ongoing collaborative efforts to formalize ∞-category theory in two different proof assistants: Lean and Rzk. We show some sample formalized proofs to highlight the advantages and drawbacks of each formal system and explain how you could contribute to this effort. This involves joint work with Mario Carneiro, Dominic Verity, Nikolai Kudasov, and Jonathan Weinberger.

Mon 20 Jan

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09:00 - 10:30
Session 1CPP at Marco Polo
Chair(s): Nicolas Tabareau Inria
Prospects for Computer Formalization of Infinite-Dimensional Category Theory
Emily Riehl Johns Hopkins University
Certifying rings of integers in number fieldsdistinguished paperremote presentation
Anne Baanen Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Alain Chavarri Villarello Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Sander R. Dahmen Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam