POPL 2025
Sun 19 - Sat 25 January 2025 Denver, Colorado, United States
Thu 23 Jan 2025 11:00 - 11:20 at Peek-A-Boo - Syntax and Editing Chair(s): Guido Salvaneschi

Structure editors operate directly on a program’s syntactic tree structure. At first glance, this allows for the exciting possibility that such an editor could enforce correctness properties: programs could be well-formed and sometimes even well-typed by construction. Unfortunately, traditional approaches to structure editing that attempt to rigidly enforce these properties face a seemingly fundamental problem, known in the literature as viscosity. Making changes to existing programs often requires temporarily breaking program structure—but disallowing such changes makes it difficult to edit programs!

In this paper, we present a scheme for structure editing which always maintains a valid program structure without sacrificing the fluidity necessary to freely edit programs. Two key pieces help solve this puzzle: first, we develop a novel generalization of selection for tree-based structures that properly generalizes text-based selection and editing, allowing users to freely rearrange pieces of code by cutting and pasting one-hole contexts; second, we type these one-hole contexts with a category of type diffs and explore the metatheory of the system that arises for maintaining well-typedness systematically. We implement our approach as an editor called Pantograph, and we conduct a study in which we successfully taught students to program with Pantograph and compare their performance against a traditional text editor.

Thu 23 Jan

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10:40 - 12:00
Syntax and EditingPOPL at Peek-A-Boo
Chair(s): Guido Salvaneschi University of St. Gallen
RE#: High Performance Derivative-Based Regex Matching with Intersection, Complement and Restricted Lookarounds
Ian Erik Varatalu Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, Margus Veanes Microsoft Research, Juhan Ernits Tallinn University of Technology
DOI Media Attached
Pantograph: A Fluid and Typed Structure Editor
Jacob Prinz University of Maryland, College Park, Henry Blanchette , Leonidas Lampropoulos University of Maryland, College Park
Pre-print Media Attached
Grove: A Bidirectionally Typed Collaborative Structure Editor Calculus
Michael D. Adams National University of Singapore, Eric Griffis University of Michigan, Thomas J. Porter University of Michigan, Sundara Vishnu Satish University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Eric Zhao Brown University, Cyrus Omar University of Michigan
Biparsers: Exact Printing for Data Synchronisation
Ruifeng Xie Peking University, Tom Schrijvers KU Leuven, Zhenjiang Hu Peking University