POPL 2025
Sun 19 - Sat 25 January 2025 Denver, Colorado, United States
Fri 24 Jan 2025 14:00 - 14:20 at Marco Polo - Verification 2 Chair(s): Zhong Shao

Safety-critical systems are often designed as real-time distributed systems. Despite the need for strong guarantees of safety and reliability in these systems, applying formal verification methods to real-time distributed systems at the implementation level has faced significant technical challenges. In this paper, we present VeriRT, an end-to-end formal verification framework that closes the formal gap between high-level abstract timed specifications and low-level implementations for real-time distributed systems. Within the framework, we establish a theoretical foundation for constructing formal timed operational semantics by integrating conventional operational semantics and low-level timing assumptions, along with principles for reasoning about their timed behaviors against abstract specifications. We leverage CompCert’s correctness proofs to guarantee the correctness of the assembly implementation of real-time distributed systems. We provide two case studies on realistic real-time systems. All the results are formalized in Coq.

Fri 24 Jan

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13:20 - 14:20
Verification 2POPL at Marco Polo
Chair(s): Zhong Shao Yale University
Archmage and CompCertCast: End-to-End Verification Supporting Integer-Pointer Casting
Yonghyun Kim Seoul National University, South Korea, Minki Cho Seoul National University, Jaehyung Lee Seoul National University, Jinwoo Kim Seoul National University, Taeyoung Yoon Seoul National University, Youngju Song MPI-SWS, Chung-Kil Hur Seoul National University
Research paper
Formalising Graph Algorithms with Coinduction
Donnacha Oisín Kidney Imperial College London, Nicolas Wu Imperial College London
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
VeriRT: An End-To-End Verification Framework for Real-Time Distributed Systems
Yoonseung Kim Yale University, Sung-Hwan Lee Seoul National University, Yonghyun Kim Seoul National University, South Korea, Chung-Kil Hur Seoul National University